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Watch an IIG $50,000 Paranormal Challenge Preliminary Demo, Today at 4pm!

From: Brian H.
Sent on: Sunday, June 10, 2012, 10:44 AM
The Envelope Please

The Independent Investigations Group (IIG) will manage a demonstration with a man from Northern California who claims he can tell us exactly which pictures are in doubly-sealed, opaque envelopes. 

He has already chosen the pictures and the IIG will seal them inside the envelopes.

NO ONE in the room will know which pictures are in which envelope as our claimant makes his predictions.  We are making use of a scientifically rigorous, double-blind method to insure a completely random testing method.  He must get ALL pictures correctly every time, as per an already agreed-upon protocol by both parties.

This is clearly a paranormal claim, and if he passes this demonstration, he will qualify for our $50,000 dollar challenge at a later date.

Watch live via Ustream.  Viewing is free, but please sign up in advance for an account if you wish to comment live with us all.  Be part of this rare event, and possibly watch us make history as well!

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