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Re: [skeptics-147] Huge Psuedo-science Expo in SF May 1-2

From: Cathleen
Sent on: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 1:24 AM
Have you actually had acupuncture??

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Erica <[address removed]> wrote:

Does anyone have any ideas for a skeptical counter-offensive to a three-day Expo of pseudo-science in San Francisco May 1-2 at the New Living Expo??

Should we distribute brochures showing that fake acupuncture needles are more effective than real acupuncture needles?? Should we distribute flyers showing that it makes no difference if acupuncture needles are stuck in the "correct" places??? Should we have a booth labeled "The Dark Side of Acupuncture"??? Or, ??


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Cathleen Miick
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