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What we’re about

Where small, friendly dogs and their human families can get together and have fun play dates, share advice and friendship. All breeds of dogs are welcome, as long as they are friendly.
This should be a great opportunity for our sweet dogs to get out and socialize with one another.

I have a small (8.5 lb) terrier mix named Abby Rose and a small (15 lb) Chihuahua mix named Dewey. They are both looking forward to meeting other small dogs.

The group has been dormant for too long and I will be looking to setup new meetup events in the future.

In the past we have met at dog friendly restaurants, gone on walks, done wine tasting with our dogs, had Halloween costume lunches etc. I will not be planning meetups at typical dog parks because I and some other members have had negative experiences at these.

I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions about what kind of meetups you would enjoy participating in. Also, if any of you are interested in hosting meetups let me know that as well.

In the past there has been a very small yearly member fee to help to cover the fees the organizer pays to to have our group on their site.  Once I get myself organized and start having more meetups I will reinstating the fee.