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Mailing List has been re-activated

From: Adam K.
Sent on: Monday, March 29, 2010, 9:19 AM
Hi all -

Sorry for the quick spam. I just wanted to let everyone know that the mailing list has been re-activated.

Just a reminder that the list is there for people to advertise that they are looking for someone to play tennis with. Responses should be directed back to the original poster and not to the rest of the group. Meetup does not make that very easy to do, so I apologize for that. Please just use caution when using the reply button and look twice before hitting send....make sure it's going where you intend it to go.

If anyone has comments or complaints, please email me directly or email other members directly. Please do not use the list for that. If it gets out of hand, I will either moderate or deactivate the list. I don't like to see members leaving the group on account of receiving too much email (which has been happening).

Keep your eyes peeled for some upcoming announcements about Meetups when the weather gets a bit nicer.

Adam Kenger
Somerville Tennis Meetup Group

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