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Drumbeat - The Soul Seminars Newsletter

From: Martin D.
Sent on: Monday, January 6, 2014, 12:49 PM

Dear friends,

A very Happy New Year to you and we hope you had a peaceful Christmas! We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who visited us at Dunderry Park over the past year through the courses, gatherings and also to those who became our friends through Spirit in the City. We are very much looking forward to the year ahead and in particular the new event and lecture series ‘Soul Seminars’. We will be announcing our first meetup soon but in the meantime you can sign up the the new Facebook page here

10th-12th January, Dunderry Park, Trim, Co. Meath
€195 Tuition, meals and accommodation included

Join us for a guided weekend of stillness - meditation - mindfulness - walking in nature - connecting back to you and your soul, rediscovering yourself. Preparing a new path for 2014.

THE SHAMANS BREATH – Holotropic Beathwork TM
24th-26th January, Dunderry Park, Trim, Co. Meath
€295 Tuition, meals and accommodation included

Holotropic Breathwork™ leads one into an adventure of self discovery, self exploration and self healing. Participants have access to deep shamanic journeys, past life memories, merging with the cosmic mind, ecstatic and joyful experiences and mystical awareness states. Other experiences may include re-experiencing birth, release of energetic blockages caused by past traumas, and the healing of emotional and physical conditions.
This workshop takes place within a safe and sacred setting. Participants work in pairs, while one breathes the other sits and supports their journey. The Breathwork experience is also supported by group work and art therapy. The sessions typically last around three hours, giving adequate time to journey as deeply as you need to go.

7th-9th February, Dunderry Park, Trim, Co. Meath
€295 Tuition, meals and accommodation included

This weekend workshop is open to those who have completed a shamanic practitioners course or who has a good working knowledge of Shamanism.
This is a wonderful opportunity to meet with old friends and make new ones at this unique event. The schedule will include the following and more depending on feedback from course participants.

• Revision of all Journeys and Practices on the Shamanic Practitioners Course.
• Sharing of case studies from your own practice incl shamanic counselling.
• Repeat of most popular journey/practices requested by participants.
• Experimenting with new shamanic drum journeys, and also learning new shamanic healing techniques.
• Extended deep ecstatic journey using trance dance, breathwork and drum journeying.
• Visit Hill of Tara to stalk awareness with the Sidhe/fairy folk.
• Spirit Boat to the land of the dead, advanced psychopomp and extraction work.
• Fire ceremony, Nature Spirit journeying, Darkness Dreaming.

SHAMANIC PRACTITIONERS COURSE – Learning core practices of The Shaman
April 4th-6th/May 9th-11th/July 25th-27th/Aug 22nd-24th
Dunderry Park, Trim, Co. Meath - €1150 payable over the four courses including Tuition, Accommodation and Meals

On this course we will be using traditional shamanic techniques from around the world to explore the exciting and ecstatic realms beyond ordinary reality i.e.
• Drumming and rattling
• Trance dancing
• Shamanic breathwork
• Ritual and ceremony.

The course consists of four weekend residential workshops over the period of one year in a beautiful rural setting in County Meath close to the sacred sites of Newgrange, Tara and Loughcrew. We will be working together in the circle, creating a safe and sacred space to enable us to form a healing community.

The new issue of Network Ireland - Holistic Magazine is now out in shops with articles on Walking your own Path - stories of alternative living, Body Image, History of YOGA, Shamanism, The Link with the Breath and Emotions, Living Architecture and 2014 seen through Psychological Astrology. All stockists listed here
If you're a therapist or practitioner looking to boost your business in 2014, have a look at - you can list on Ireland's longest running holistic directory for €40 for the year, that works out under €3.50 per month and allows you to set up your own profile page, events, and classified ads. For more information email [address removed]

To book on any of the above contact Annette on info@shamanismireland or call[masked]

Warm regards,



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