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New Meetup: Hermosa Public Works Meeting: Creating the Bicycle Master Plan for Hermosa

From: user 7.
Sent on: Saturday, January 24, 2009, 5:35 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Southbay Cruisers Community Bicycle Group!

What: Hermosa Public Works Meeting: Creating the Bicycle Master Plan for Hermosa

When: January 27,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Looking to improve Hermosa Bike Ways. Need any and all cyclists input and support.
Here are some issues being discussed. See pdf for reference.

A Keep the Beach Cruisers on the Beach
Riders of Beach Cruisers want to stay on the beach. Give them what they
want. Connect the bike paths with an "S" connection.
The 3rd photo, these pedestrians actually yelled out to some cyclists,
"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" because they weren't paying attention.
The bike path should be "S'd" to keep continuity for pedestrians and for
beach cruisers.
We heard testimony from several pedestrians struck by bikes & skateboards.
Having them cross paths doesn't help.

B Bumpy Bike Path
This area has been too bumpy in the past & although improved, it is still
very bumpy. In the past 3 years, I totally ruined 3 wheels,
and have had to repair 4 wheels. I had to call and get picked up 7 times,
in this area, to keep from totally ruining the wheels after breaking spokes.
Notice the previous repairs?

C Hermosa Ave Bike Lane
This bike lane area of Hermosa Ave is too narrow. If the path is "S'd" at
A, the bike traffic in this area will be reduced. I have had and have
witnessed many close calls here. Near Head-On Collisions. Notice how these
two riders choose a safer method by illegally riding in the street lane?
This portion should be shared route for Southbound bikes and the bike lane
should be given completely to Northbound bikes, which is what cyclists are
already doing.They're voting for this with their pedals.
Soutbound View.
Northbound view. Northbound bikes should be given the bike lane and
Southbound bikes can share road where the van is.

D Hermosa Avenue
Hermosa Ave is already being used by cyclists. Hermosa Ave should be made
into a bike shared road. It's the responsible thing to do.
These road bikers continue on Hermosa Ave in a Southbound direction and the
next photo is another rider on the Northbound side.
This is also what John Silva wants, plus, when the beach gets more crowded
than I expect, I take Hermosa too.
When I know it's going to be crowded, I'll plan my ride on Valley and even
PCH if I'm in a big hurry, like when I ride to San Diego.

E Valley Drive
Valley Drive should be given a narrow North Bound CLASS 1 Bike Lane from
Herondo St to 2nd St, on the east side of the street.
Bicyclists currently brave oncoming traffic daily for the one block, and the
city should acknowledge this oversight and make it safer and legal for them
to do so.
This will improve continuity for Northbound cyclists going from Redondo to
Manhattan. The Southbound side can be a shared road.
The rest of the Northbound side can be a shared road.
Some road bikers are very picky with their bikes and take Valley &
Ardmore to keep away from all sand and faster sailing, all the time.
View from Herondo looking at Valley Drive - A northbound bike lane hugging
the curb on the right side would be beneficial.
View looking at Valley from 2nd Street. The northbound Class 1 Bike Lane can
end here and the shared road can start here.
Southbound view from Valley approaching Herondo. A Class 1 Lane on the East
side, will give Northbound riders a place to go; and,
it will give drivers a warning that there may be a bike, which they
currently don't have.

F Ardmore Route
No issue unless made into one way.
Southbound view of the end of Ardmore. Can see Herondo and reach via
sidewalk. Don't think residents want cyclists coming thru here regularly.
North side of Ardmore where Valley transitions to the one way of Ardmore of
Manhattan Beach.
Not too many cyclists that go from MB Valley to Hermosa
Ardmore, unless they live in Hermosa, because of how Ardmore ends.
They live and vote in Hermosa and maybe they would enjoy this? Transient
riders - not really an issue - unless it's made into a one way, which I too
would oppose like the residents the other night.

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