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New Meetup: Santa Monica Pier’s Twilight Dance Series

From: Jean C.
Sent on: Monday, June 29, 2009, 11:55 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Southbay Cruisers Community Bicycle Group!

What: Santa Monica Pier?s Twilight Dance Series

When: July 23,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

La Monica Ballroom Redux: 85th Anniversary Dance-A-Thon
With dance instruction from swing experts!

Squirrel Nut Zippers (Chapel Hill, NC)
Johnny Vana & The Big Band Alumni (San Fernando Valley)

WHEN: Meet at 4:45PM/Ride at 5:00PM

WHERE: We'll meet at Valley Park (plenty of free parking) and ride to the Santa Monica Pier. Most of our route will be along the strand but we will have to ride on the street in Venice.

WHAT: ***This will be a medium to fast paced ride***
The concerts run from 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. in the pier parking lot (on the pier). All concerts are free. No alcohol is allowed. Dogs are allowed as long as they are on a leash. You are more than welcomed to bring your own seating but seats will be available for rental.

On the 85th anniversary of The La Monica Ballroom, the original experience of the largest ballroom in the world will be honored as part of the events leading up to the Pier?s Centennial on September 9, 2009. The Pier will come alive with historic throwbacks to the La Monica Ballroom in its heyday in 1924. Visual elements will include a version of the original dance floor and entryway where Western Swing blossomed in the 1940s and 1950s.

Johnny Vana and The Big Band Alumni will perform the genuine swing sound of the 1940s after the audience receives dance lessons. The Squirrel Nut Zippers will perform following Johnny Vana, with a signature modern infused swing sound that earned them the style ?30s punk? by music reviewers.


Make sure to have lights on your bike for evening rides. You need to have a headlight on the front of your bike and a red reflector on the back of your bike. Red Flashers, recommended, but not required. Lights can be purchased at any local bike shop. Helmets are required by law if you are under 18 years of age, and highly recommended if you are over 18 years of age. You may be warned or cited by the police if you don't adhere to the law. See the 'About Us' section of our meetup page for safety links and/or the 'Safety' page of our website at

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