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New Meetup: Be an extra in a movie

From: Sylvan
Sent on: Sunday, February 8, 2009, 6:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Spanish Speaking Professionals Meetup!

What: Be an extra in a movie

When: February 20,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: Wanna be in a movie?

I'm producing a movie and we have this fabulous party/salsa scene at the end - so we need dancers/party-goers/extras!

This is no blockbuster, but a non-profit film that will help raise HIV awareness for thousands. So while you'd be doing a good thing, we can't pay. But we can offer a good time and possibly some food...

The scene is going to represent a surprise engagement party for an older couple (in their 60s/70s) who's getting married. So we need folks that look like their friends and family coming in, saying hello, kissing cheeks, eating and dancing salsa! We'll be shooting this most likely on Friday evening after work at a community center in mid-town. It should take about 1-2 hours. We could tack on an after-shoot party if people want to go out and dance some more once we wrap shooting the scene.

Please RSVP if you're interested and I'll send out more information as soon as it's available. Also if you know others who might want to be in the scene, let me know. We have a special need for older Latino adults, but in the end a diverse group is great!

Thanks so much!


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