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Wednesday Evening Meetup Tonight 30/6

From: Honey B.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 4:35 PM
?Saludos a todos!

I have reserved tables for 10-15 people for tonight at the Cafe Caturra under the name "Delo". Unfortunately, I am feeling rather miserable with some sort of cold or bacterial infection I've been trying to put up with all day. I will not be there, but everyone is still welcome to come out and "platicar en espa?ol".

I wish I could be there:(, but I'll see y'all next week at the First Tuesday Meetup and again next Wednesday Evening Meetup.


Stefani "Honey" Lyn Delo
[address removed]
[address removed]

VCU Campus Learning Center Tutor
VCU Undergraduate Class of '10

Richmond, VA

Founded Jan 30, 2003

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