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Salsa Night- Bailamos!

From: Jennifer
Sent on: Monday, August 18, 2008, 6:32 PM
Hola amigos! If anyone is interested we will be going to the Sunset Lounge in Cleveland this Saturday[masked] for salsa night. There is a dance lesson (some type of latin dance) at 10pm and open dancing afterwards. You can stay as little or as long (until they close of course) as you want. Club entrance is $5 and they sell food and drinks. I've never been there myself so I'm sorry I can't include directions (mapquest is my best friend!). I'll make sure to be at the club entrance around 9:45pm to greet anyone that comes. If you're wanting to carpool leave a comment on your reservation and maybe someone who lives close will respond. I hope some of you can make it- it should be a great time! Hasta pront.

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