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Saturday Beginning and Basic Spanish classes

From: Jenny
Sent on: Wednesday, June 13, 2012, 11:02 AM

Hola a todos!

I just wanted to send a quick note regarding the Beginning and Basic Spanish classes that I am offering.

In the next week or so, I believe I am going to be taking the "RSVP listing" off of the meetup site for these classes. I would like to be able to have an established group of students for each class.  For continuity purposes, it is best to not have people adding and dropping out of the class from one week to the next.

If you have not done so already, please be in touch with me if you are interested in attending either Beginning Spanish classes or Basic Spanish classes.  Please email me at [address removed] regarding this.

Right now there is availability for:

Beginning Spanish 6:30-7:30 pm TUESDAYS

Beginning Spanish  1:30-2:30 pm  SATURDAYS

BASIC SPANISH:  2:30-3:30 pm SATURDAYS  (more advanced than "beginning class")


For determining what class is right for you:

The "Beginning Spanish" class will move a little bit slower and do more review and practice with learning vocabulary.  The same book will be used as a framework.  This class assumes no prior study of Spanish, or very minimal Spanish vocabulary or Spanish understanding. (If you studied Spanish in 8th grade, 20 years ago, this class is still probably pretty good for you).


The Basic class: We will still be using the same book, but spending less time on reviewing vocabulary and generally move at a faster pace than the "Beginning Class."  If you have studied Spanish for several years in high school (even if it was many years ago), or if you have done independent Spanish study, this is probably the better class for you.

Both classes will use the "Spanish Now!" Level 1 textbook as a basic framework for vocabulary and grammar being presented.


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