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Demos Announced for Tomorrow Night!

From: Zishan A.
Sent on: Sunday, September 28, 2014, 6:33 PM
Hey Developers,

I think it's safe to say we've had a good time over the summer. I mean, who doesn't like a good 3D printed bunny and indoor quadcopter flight?


More importantly, we have another night of great demos and networking tomorrow!

We've also updated flickr with all our photos from this year.  Check out our albums to see what you've been missing!

Special thanks to Tashography for doing such a great job capturing the atmosphere and energy.



Hack of the Month:
Zishan Ahmad, Serving interactive content with text messages

Tim Holahan, Broadstripes CRM - Get Organized!
Michael Forbes, Electric Compass - Enterprise GPS Solutions
John Bubello, EverList - Your contact List. Reinvented.

Want to demo?

We're always on the look out for great technology demos.  Apply To Present.

Over 150 companies have demoed at the Stamford Tech Meetup. Have you?



9/30, 6:00-7:00pm - Hacker Night - Office Hours
Have tech questions? We have answers. Every Tuesday night at Stamford Innovation Center.

Join us with guest speaker Max Katz, head of Developer Relations for Learn how to build a complete enterprise mobile app connected to APIs.

Have an announcement?

Need help getting the word out?  Let us know: [address removed]



Big shout out to Priceline for stepping up to help us build this community!

If you're a developer looking for a great place to work, check out some of their openings at the Norwalk location.

Want to sponsor?

There are clear benefits to helping us build the biggest monthly gathering of entrepreneurs, technologists and investors in the area.

Interested? Let us know: [address removed]



Thank you, again, to our partners.

We look forward to the collaboration as we build the biggest monthly gathering of entrepreneurs, technologists and investors in the area.


Looking forward to another great event Monday!
