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SG Olympia New Schedule

From: Ross C.
Sent on: Thursday, September 29, 2011, 11:07 AM
Hello everyone!
I wanted to let you know about some of the schedule changes coming up for SG olympia.
-Thursdays at the RADACOMBES are now  BI-WEEKLY, so check the website to see if they are upcoming.
Also we now have 3 game spaces at the radacombes as one of the bedrooms had been converted into an office, so there will be plenty of space as we retreat indoors.
-Orion and Robert have talked about hosting a SAT meetup on the off weeks. More details TBA!
-As some of you know we have some game designer's and future game designers in our midst. We thought it would be cool to have a new event, the Game Workshop, where we playtest new game designs and talk about design in general. This will be happening once a month.
ALso remember if you would like to host any events or organize a long-form game the message boards are a great place to find players and discuss ideas.
xo ross

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