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Lets hunt some Gemini's meteors (shooting stars) tomorrow (Sunday, if weather ok)

From: John G
Sent on: Saturday, December 13, 2014, 11:55 AM

Let's go meteor watching tomorrow (assuming sky at least a little clear) - its the bright Geminids, one of the biggest showers of the year. I've picked the location (Streatham Common) and set it for 7.45 Sunday evening.
For more details, see the full listing, and if any regulars want to be there earlier and greet people do comment and I'll edit it as it will be dark enough much earlier (and a bit warmer) but I'm limited by my schedule. I will keep an eye on weather, watch out for updates on the event comments - we will go ahead unless it's horrible and if I postpone I might try Monday instead. Details at:
When: Sunday, December 14,[masked]:45 PM
Where: The Waterfront[masked] Streatham High Road London SW16 3PX
You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup, via the meetup app messaging (do not reply personally to this email  it goes to everyone), or via SMS if you check my number on the events "how to find us" info - please do let us know if you RSVP but will be late or not showing, to avoid us waiting around unnecessarily.

PS what do you all think of the new logo for the group? I made it myself in an hour or two (am not a graphic designer...)? Can you recognise the two constellations in the sky? (might have to look hard, just like here in London, to see them :)


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