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Tallahassee Code Camp VIII - In 23 Days!

From: William L.
Sent on: Thursday, October 11, 2012, 8:45 PM

We are finalizing preparations for the 8th annual Tallahassee Code Camp, hosted by the Capital City .NET User Group at the FSU College of Communication and Information. The date is scheduled for Saturday, November 3rd, 2012. Code Camp is a free all day geek fest where speakers present various software development topics in symposium-like atmosphere.

Register online in under 1 minute at:
We appreciate your advanced reservation to help with planning.

In the next few weeks, the tracks and schedule will be finalized. This year we have a few things above and beyond the usual fare:

As part of the Road Trip:

  • Udi Dahan will give a 1 hour keynote in the afternoon. Udi is a world renowned Enterprise Development Expert & SOA Specialist.
  • Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell from .NET Rocks! are doing a .NET Rocks interview with Udi. The audience can ask questions, and we’ll have a really unique show.
  • Carl will present Building Modern Apps in Windows 8.
  • Richard will present The Modern App LifeCycle – DevOps Using the Microsoft Toolchain.

Of course there will be great prizes to win, information to soak up, and a great after party at the Corner Pocket!

We look forward to seeing you at Code Camp 8!

-Code Camp 8 Team

P.S. If you are traveling from out of town, be sure to check out the Code Camp site for a lodging discount!

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