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New Meetup: St. Patrick's Day Celebration with Pat McCurdy- Live music and drinks

From: user 7.
Sent on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 9:24 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Twin Cities Couples Meetup Group!

What: St. Patrick's Day Celebration with Pat McCurdy- Live music and drinks

When: March 13,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Join us for some Friday Fun to celebrate St. Patrick's Day at O'Gara's Garage in St. Paul. Pat usually takes the stage around 10:30ish, so we can meet at 10 in the Garage. Cover is usually $8-$10 and the bar is cash only in the Garage.

Here is his website if you would like more information

Just who is this Pat fellow?
Pat McCurdy is a musician who hails from Milwaukee and is finding a small but growing cult following across the country. In addition to playing in Milwaukee, he regularly plays all over Wisconsin, as well as northern Illinois (mainly Chicago) and Minneapolis. Sometimes he takes roadtrips to other parts of the country; the next time he does, we'll tell you.

What kind of music does he play?
He plays Pat music. He writes all his own songs, in a variety of styles. One person has said that it is "good drinking music." It's really kind of hard to pin down; if you have a good description, let me know. His main appeal is to the college crowd and those who followed him in college but are not much older ;)

Parking is either on the street or in the bank lot across the street, it is free on the street and in the bank lot.

By the end of the night you will know a few new dances and all the words to a great song called Sex and Beer.

Learn more here: