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Saturday tennis meetup

From: Mike E.
Sent on: Sunday, December 29, 2013, 12:37 AM

Hi everyone,

Welcome to new and existing members,

The last meetup of the year attracted a good number of members.We all started with our warmup playing drills and then partners were chosen.

All teams were very even all afternoon,but there had to be a winner of the last meetup for the year.The team which eventually won was Dave and Ant (after having match point against them) from the unlucky team of Duncan and Simon(his cousin),followed by Phillip and Mathew,Wayne and Adua,Tracy and Jamie,Harold and Kevin.


Shot of the day;Big unstoppable topspin forehand down the middle from Dave!

Nearly shot of the day;Between the legs (like Federer)from Wayne!


Nice to have new members Mathew and Harold with us.

Great to have Tracy back with us after time away!


Tip of the week;The more active the net player the better,Hit high volleys behind the opposing net player or angle away.


Tennis events coming;The Apia starting 5th January till !2th January.The Australian Open 13th January till the 6th January,2014


Hope to see more new members come along for a fun afternoon of social/competitive doubles.All levels welcome.Refreshments and snacks provided.



See you on the court.


