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Saturday tennis meetup

From: Mike E.
Sent on: Friday, August 7, 2015, 7:50 PM

Hi everyone,

Welcome to new and existing members.

A beautiful day brought the best in everyones play.

We began with our warm up playing drills and then partners were chosen for the round robin doubles event.The team Phil and Ian used their combination of power and touch to overcome Mahdi and Alex in the playoff  for the title.Followed by Phil and Bara winning the bronze playoff over Shiju and Allison.Followed by Glen and Samvit,Rob and Duncan,Nick and Carey,Dom and Helena,Rob and Melissa.

Well done Phil and Ian winning the title.

Nice to new members Melissa,Nick,and Samvit with us.


Hope to see more new members come along for a fun afternoon of round robin doubles.Low intermediate level and above is the standard.Refreshments and snacks provided.


See you on court.



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