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What we’re about

A low-key group meeting once a month (formerly in Berkeley but CURRENTLY ONLINE via Zoom). We have resumed having a few face-to-face meetings, among the Covid-19 vaccinated, but these are few - please check back for news and links.

The Redwood Stoa was founded in the Bay Area in late 2013 to explore Stoic philosophy and further its members' lives. Stoicism is a Hellenistic philosophy, promoting Reason and living "Conformably with Nature". We pursue study, personal development, fellowship—we are neither a "cult" nor some elitist gathering. The point is what Stoicism has to offer us, here, today.

We engage by coming together to discuss a different theme in Stoicism each month. Members are encouraged to bring passages and experiences that relate to the month's topic.

The themes for the year are:
JAN: Rational by Nature — FEB: Judgment/Assent — MAR: Desire/Aversion —  APR: What is in our Power —  MAY: Temperance — JUN: Fortitude — JUL: Justice —  AUG: Wisdom — SEP: Reflection —  OCT: Life conformed to Nature — NOV: Gratitude —  DEC: Fellowship.

We meet on the third Sunday of the month on Zoom. Look for announcements via Meetup. 
We are loosely associated with the Stoic Registry (once called The New Stoa), The Stoic Fellowship, an association of local stoas around the world, and The College of Stoic Philosophers.

Upcoming events (4+)

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