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New Meetup: Veg Outreach with The Humane League at Mayhem Music Festival

From: Lydia C.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 12:14 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Philadelphia Animal Rights Meetup Group!

What: Veg Outreach with The Humane League at Mayhem Music Festival

When: Friday, July 23,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Susquehanna Bank Center
1 Harbor Boulevard
Camden , NJ 08103

Join us for veg leafleting at the Mayhem Music Festival.

Distributing vegan outreach literature is an effective, easy way to help animals. Leafleting Works! Here?s why:

Spending only two or three hours a month, you can easily hand out as many as 500 or more leaflets. If you conservatively estimate that one in every 100 people you leaflet is eventually compelled to go vegetarian, you've inspired five new vegetarians or vegans in that month alone.

In addition to those who actually transition to vegetarian lifestyles, you will also have encouraged countless others to reduce their consumption of meat and other animal products. Simply put, the more leaflets you hand out, the more you will be helping to reduce animal suffering.

We welcome new leafleters as well as more experienced ones! Please join us!

Please RSVP so we?ll know how many leaflets to bring: [address removed] or call[masked]
(Carpooling may be available; contact Lydia to find out more)

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