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New Meetup: Music in the Park 7/15 - Reggae @ Plaza De Cesar Chavez SJ

From: Lori
Sent on: Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 4:29 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Vegetarians [Group]!

What: Music in the Park 7/15 - Reggae @ Plaza De Cesar Chavez SJ

When: Thursday, July 15,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Plaza De Cesar Chavez Park
Park Ave & S Market St
san jose, CA 95113
[masked] x217.

Thanks for the suggestion Karen;.....I know this is a bit last minute but if anyone is interested I would be glad to host this, please RSVP and let me know.

This week is reggae: "Don Carlos brings the rhythm of reggae to Music in the Park...a Jamaican native and started as one of the original members of Grammy Award winning Black Uhuru. Opening the show is Zili Misik, uniting jazz, samba, and reggae into their songs."

Bring your own food/picnic or buy there, and something to sit on. Recently I took Light Rail into SJ and it was $2, so just a thought if you don't want to hassle with traffic and parking. Also, if anyone has an idea of where to meet at the park let me know, I'm not that familiar with it.

5:30-9ish, Plaza de Cesar Chavez, San Jose

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