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For our members interested in writing, just in case...

From: zefred
Sent on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 9:10 PM
FutuReale is Toronto and GTA's Arts, Culture and Living
Magazine. We come out monthly with an online version of our
magazine (It can be seen on our website or which is
well written and well received. We get approximately 20,000
hits a month right now. Our website ( also is
known for our weekly and now daily new articles. Over the last
year and a half we have really built a positive name for
ourselves in the community. We try to cover all sorts of
artists in Toronto and the GTA and give EVERYONE a voice and
the credit they deserve. We cover everything from the big
(Toronto International Film Festival, Reviews of Blockbusters
like UP, Interviews with Degrassi
kids) to the more unknown people who light up this fair city's
entertainment scene.

We are invited to tons of events as well and are on many lists
to receive screening copies for all forms of entertainment.

I am actively looking for a handful of hardworking and creative
writers,To start off volunteer contributors would be focusing
more on the website articles and then would move to the
magazine as well.
What we offer to volunteer Contributors:
-The chance to meet peers in the industry
-The chance to work with and learn from a team of dedicated and
celebrated Head Editors
-The chance to be edited and critiqued for personal growth
-The chance to be published for Portfolio Enhancement
-The chance to get reference letter for University, College,
Graduate School or paid freelance and Full Time Jobs
-The chance to come to socials to meet and greet fellow writers
-The chance to come to meeting to see how a growing magazine

If interested, please contact : [address removed]

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