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Re: [travel-14] Gimp update

From: Paul K.
Sent on: Friday, April 27, 2007, 4:39 PM
Hi Marilyn,

Good to hear from you.  We missed you last month, but
it sounds like God is using this experience, which is
very cool.  He'll get you through it (as He's done for

We had a very good group last month (a bunch were
still yacking away at 9:30 when I left) - hope you'll
be able to make it next month, but if not, June will


--- Marilyn Williams <[address removed]> wrote:

> I got back yesterday from the rehab center after my
> knee replacement surgery of 4/9.  Thank you all for
> your prayers and recovery wishes.  I had no idea
> what a major painful surgery this would be.  I saw
> the add on t.v. of the woman with the artificial
> knee waking into the sunset and I thought that that
> would be me.  I have no idea when I will be walking
> anywhere, let alone, "into the sunset".
> But let me tell you what a humbling experience this
> has been.  I was Ms. go-getter, always active,
> always on top of my game.  Now I am pretty helpless
> and in need of assistance.  I never dreamed I would
> be so needy.  I thank God for family and friends who
> have been there for me.  But I think God has let me
> undergo all this to let me know that my purpose in
> life is to help other people.  Now that I am
> retired, I will have time to help my family and
> friends and be there for people as they have been
> there for me (providing I'm not in some foreign land
> when you need my help!!!)
> Thank you again for your well wishes and help.  God
> bless you all!
>       Love,
>       Marilyn aka The Gimp

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