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Fall Singles Cruise - Last Chance!!

From: Kellee
Sent on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 11:28 AM
Hi everyone, we are getting a nice group of people together for the Caribbean 5-night cruise Oct. 16th. We still have space available and a few people who are looking to share.

As a reminder, here are details of the cruise:

Sat., Oct. 15th - Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010

Prices (per person, not including $54.76 gov't taxes):
Inside: $359

Oceanview: $459

Balcony: $579

Flights from LAX to Tampa are pricing out at apx. $335

Singles Activities:

Hosted singles cocktail parties and activities throughout the cruise for only $25 per person.


Oct. 16 - Tampa, Florida

Oct. 17 - at sea

Oct. 18 - Cozumel, Mexico

Oct. 19 - Costa Maya, Mexico

Oct. 20 - at sea

Oct. 21 - Tampa, Florida

Kellee Bartha's information:

[address removed]

Please contact me or Marilyn if you are hoping to join us. We'd love to get you on board to have a great week in the beautiful Caribbean.

Thanks, Kellee

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