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Interest in an RTP NC Area DrupalCamp

From: Greg M.
Sent on: Thursday, September 13, 2012, 7:13 PM

My apologies if you already saw this via  Just trying to make sure everyone involved in TriDUG sees it.

Short Version:

Please take this Triangle DrupalCamp interest survey:

Long Version:

At various times in the past folks have talked about a Triangle area DrupalCamp. During the TriDUG IRC planning meeting today, it seems like there finally might be enough people interested in helping make this happen.

During the meeting, I promised to query folks here about times that would be best to have an exploration meeting. (Afternoon of next co-working day was suggested...).

Anyway, after some research into organizing a DrupalCamp, e.g.;

I decided to expand this into a general interest survey... along with asking for who wants to help and when should we do an initial meeting.

So, everyone, please take the time to fill in this survey:

An feel free to publicly comment on the discussion topic.


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