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New Meetup: "A Fifth of Blues" at Trali's Irish Pub and Restaurant in Raleigh

From: Todd
Sent on: Monday, September 14, 2009, 5:22 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Triangle All That Jazz Meetup Group!

What: "A Fifth of Blues" at Trali's Irish Pub and Restaurant in Raleigh

When: September 19,[masked]:30 PM

Trali Irish Restaurant and Pub
10370 Moncreiffe Road, #109 Brierdale Shopping Center
Raleigh, NC 27560

Come out and see one of our members Larry O'Connor and his band "A Fifth of Blues". They will be at Trali's Irish Pub and Restaurant on Sept. 19th starting at 9:30pm. This new Blues band plays traditonial electric blues like Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf, Slim Harpo and Freddie, Albert and BB King, etc... You can hear some of their stuff using the following link:

There may be a cover!!

From "A Fifth of Blues" and your smooth organizer,
Todd cool

Learn more here:

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