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New Meetup: TVS Thanksgiving meal at Parizade

From: Ken
Sent on: Thursday, November 4, 2010, 5:23 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Triangle Vegetarian & Vegan Meetup!

What: TVS Thanksgiving meal at Parizade

When: Thursday, November 25,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Cafe Parizade
2200 W Main St
Durham, NC 27705

We have worked out the details for having a Meetup table at the TVS Thanksgiving. I'm sorry for the late notice; it took a while to finalize logistics!

Our group will be seated at 12:00, and we'll all eat in the restaurant next door to Cafe Parizade, so our large group will remain intact!

Online reservations for Thanksgiving will open tomorrow, November 5, early in the morning. To sit with the Meetup group at 12:00, you will need to RSVP here as well as make a reservation through the TVS website.

If you are attending the event, but not planning to sit with us, please DO NOT RSVP here. If you are attending the event, but can't come at 12:00, please DO NOT RSVP here.

Here are the steps to sit with us at 12:00:

1) RSVP "Yes" on this page. (If there is no more room, you're welcome to attend the event on your own, but the Meetup table will be full.)

2) If you have RSVP'd "Yes", please make an online reservation through the TVS website tomorrow, November 5, and choose our 12:00 arrival time on the reservation form. The earlier in the day on Friday that you make your reservation, the better the chances that there will still be seats available in the 12:00 arrival time.

3) Also on the reservation form, under "Enter any notes or questions about the event", please type "I'm with the Meetup group" or something to that effect in the box. Please also include your Meetup name in the box if it's different from your formal name, so that your TVS reservation can be matched to your Meetup RSVP.

4) Once TVS receives your payment (via PayPal or check), you're all set! :-)

Please let me know what questions you have. See the TVS Thanksgiving website for more details about the event. Again, online reservations will open early tomorrow morning. I'll post a message here once we begin taking reservations.

Ken Guttman

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