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invitation to friends at Bklyn Ultimate meetup--holiday party this Thursday in easy-to-get-to Harlem!

From: user 3.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 2:30 PM
It has been great to share some good times on the field this past year.  Amidst your busy holiday schedules I would love to share a few
moments of good company this Thursday with the friends I have made amid our impressive layouts, big d's, and occasional bobbles. 

Originally conceived as a neighborhood gathering for the community of feisty young people assembled here by our agent, my roommate Megan and I also wanted to invite a few friends to help inaugurate the famously spacious brownstone we call home.
Easy to get here:  Take the D/A express to 145th and St. Nicholas (which is next to Amsterdam); exit at 147th, walk up to 153rd and turn left to Bdwy.  Don't worry, it is safe here! 3688 Broadway #2.  Upstairs duplex, between 153rd and 152nd, on E. side of street. 
When:  Thursday December 17th, 7:00-10:00.  Please RSVP to [address removed].
*Please bring an appetizer or a beverage to share.  As well, acoustic instruments are more than welcome.
Looking forward to seeing you, Andrew  

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