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Fowl Play

From: Tony
Sent on: Monday, November 2, 2015, 10:01 PM

Hello fellow humans and Chadd,

GhostFace Keller has been bugging me to send out the information about Fowl Play to the larger group. Kudos to his persistence. For those who haven't participated before, Fowl Play is a large-and-growing frisbee golf ultimate tournament hosted by some local friends. For the price they put this together at, I guarantee you there is no better or more better organized deal than this shindig. For like $20 bucks you get a packed frisbee schedule, a shirt, pie, bagels, and at least one of the organizers will recite Shia Labeouf's full, unedited half hour motivational speech. That isn't on the website but ask them about it in person. Definitely a thing (that we can start now). I'm not going to say much more because all of the details are below. If you are interested, sign up soon because spots are liable to fill up- attendance is capped to make sure everyone gets enough playing time. Click on their link in the email below. JUST DO IT.

Anyhow, here's their email:

Hey everyone!
It is officially that time of year! We are happy to announce the start to registration for Fowl Play 2015. Not much has changed if you were at last year's tournament, but if you happened to not make it (we missed you!), then you are in for quite the surprise!
Registration is capped again this year so be sure to register right away!

  • 8 teams with pool play in the morning and full brackets in the afternoon.
  • Ranking algorithm & questionnaire makes sure each team is as balanced as possible for great play.
  • Two-Player buddy system lets you partner with a friend (if you want)!
  • Same amazing fields as last year! Check out our location tab for more information.
  • Bagels, water and plenty of snacks.
  • Free swag from all of our sponsors!
  • 100% Poly Jersey with this years logo!
  • A full pumpkin pie and apple cider for each team.

We will be bringing back all of the new exciting perks from last year!

  • Winning team receives an additional unique colored jersey with Champion rightly stamped on back.
  • Winning team also receives a Spikeball set from our awesome sponsor to give to a team MVP!
  • Additional apparel and discs with this years logo available in our Store tab!
  • More coming soon! Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to have the latest info!

The registration and store can be found on our website!
Thanks for being a part of our tournament in the past, and we look forward to seeing you again this year!
Chris & The Fowl Play Team


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