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Re: [upthecreek] Volleyball scotland's yard help us get ready

From: Tim M.
Sent on: Saturday, June 28, 2014, 2:08 PM

Sent from my iPhone
Mobile:  [masked]

On Jun 25, 2014, at 9:47 PM, "Dave G" <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Creekers .. so the season has finally arrived .. This Saturday June  28th Sand volleyball at scotlands yard is here.. For those of you not familiar with it.. this is volleyball at Rick Barretts as well as a great social gathering .. the address is 5615 west virginia ave Lakewood colo 80226.... Start time is 12:00.. This year we are asking people to show up about an hour earlier to help us prep and set up the court.. lay the boundary line..and string the net up...not really all that much if we can get some helping hands.. if you have a rake please bring it  will help immensely for sand  prep ...if not don't worry.. just show up .......................................We will suppy dogs and burgers buns and condiments and grill .. As always we ask that people bring a potluck item/dish item to well as byob.. no need to rsvp..looking forward to sending a  few over the net at you..sent on behalf of Rick Barrett ..Vic S..ALL ARE WELCOME FRIENDS FAMILY ETC..near alameda and sheridan.. just come and socialize as well

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