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RE: [uxcafe] Feedback / next event

From: user 2.
Sent on: Monday, October 8, 2012, 12:08 PM


That sounds like a good idea, but I’d make your talk before the other presentations. That way, everyone can consider/utilise your guidance when making suggestions to the people presenting their UX issues.


Alan Hodes


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Laurence McCahill
Sent: 08 October[masked]:16
To: [address removed]
Subject: [uxcafe] Feedback / next event


Thanks to all that have rated and provided feedback on the last event, keep it coming!


We're thinking of mixing it up a bit at our next event and perhaps having just 2 startups pitch (perhaps with just 5 mins for them to pitch), with a short talk about an aspect of UX in the middle so there's some key takeaways for all attending. We're also thinking of having a theme (e.g gamification, form design, product personality, value proposition, etc) although this will be dependent on being able to find the right startups that have problems in these areas. It's been a bit of a struggle to find startups that want to pitch so to make our lives easier I'd be happier limiting these to 2 and having some of the UXers in the group share their knowledge on a focused subject.


Interested to hear your thoughts.



Digital Product Designer/Co-Founder


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