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Senior Ruby/Rails Dev position at ACL

From: user 6.
Sent on: Thursday, November 8, 2012, 11:27 AM
ACL is a privately-owned 25-year-old Vancouver software company that has traditionally data analysis products for internal auditors, and is by far the acknowledge global leader in this space. It's expanding its product footprint to include a suite of apps to address the whole risk management, audit and compliance life-cycle. Pretty much all the new stuff here is SaaS on the ruby/rails stack.

If you're looking for an opportunity to have a big impact on developing new product lines with the creative and process control that you get within a startup but within the security of a larger, more stable company, this is the place for you.

We're looking for senior-level devs (i.e. not just guys hacking ruby for the first time) to start attacking a rebuild/revamp of a successful on-premise product. Bonus points if you've worked with JRuby before.

Check out this positing for more information and to apply. Of course, feel free to contact me should you have any questions about the positions. This is a contract-to-hire position (we want someone for the long term, but our immediately available budget can cover "external services" but not a permanent position).


Ryan Leslie
SaaS Development Manager
ACL Service Ltd.

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