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RailsConf 10% off discount code = rc09usrg

From: Peter A.
Sent on: Friday, January 23, 2009, 2:09 PM
Hi all,

Here's the discount code for RailsConf 2009...


Please share this information with your group so they can take advantage
of our user group discount when RailsConf registration opens.

The user group discount code for this year is "rc09usrg" and is good for
10% off the registration price.

Registration for RailsConf 2009, May 4-7 in Las Vegas, NV,
opens soon so make your plans now.

Make sure you're signed up for the conference newsletter, so you'll be the
first to know when registration opens. It's fast and easy at:

Co-produced by Ruby Central and O'Reilly Media, RailsConf is "the" event
for the growing Rails Community--the largest official gathering dedicated
to everything Rails. If you're passionate about Rails and what it helps
you achieve--or if you're curious about how Rails can help you create web
applications better and faster--this conference is the place to be.

RailsConf 2009
Co-presented by O'Reilly Media and Ruby Central
May 4-7, 2009
Las Vegas, NV

Peter Armstrong
CEO and Co-Founder, Ruboss Technology Corporation (
Author: Flexible Rails (­), Enterprise
Flexible Rails (­) and Hello! Flex 4

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