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Re: [vegan-386] Postpone or cancel the May Meetup?

From: Suzy
Sent on: Thursday, May 10, 2007, 8:25 PM
Re: [vegan-386] Postpone or cancel the May Meetup? Either way...

From: Anna <[address removed]>
Reply-To: [address removed]
Date: Thu, 10 May[masked]:42:39 -0400 (EDT)
To: [address removed]
Subject: [vegan-386] Postpone or cancel the May Meetup?

A special announcement from Anna, Organizer of The New Haven Vegan Meetup Group
Hi group,

I apologize for not being able to get it together enough for this weekend. I was going to call restaurants and interview them tonight, but I decided that's too short notice to be fair to you. So, would you prefer I postpone the May Meetup until 5/19, or should we just put it off altogether?


This message was sent by Anna (member profile: from The New Haven Vegan Meetup Group.

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