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New Meetup: Spiral Diner/Serenity Spring Sanctary

From: Briggitte
Sent on: Sunday, June 29, 2008, 9:20 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vegan 101: Dallas/Fort Worth!

What: Spiral Diner/Serenity Spring Sanctuary

When: July 26,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Help out a good cause!

We will be meeting up at Spiral Diner (Dallas) at 11:00 for an early lunch before we leave. Please try to be as on time as possible since we need to all eat and get going by around 12:30 and we will have to leave without you if you are not there when we get set to go.

After Spiral those who do not want their cars used in the carpool will leave their cars near Spiral and we will carpool to Serenity Springs Sanctuary. Its about an hour and a half drive. The owner is very excited about us coming and helping out if anybody has special skills that would help out let me know. This is a vegetarian run sanctuary lets give it all the support we can! Please dress in casual clothing you will be working with animals so you might get dirty.

Those willing to let us use their cars please email me. I do ask that everyone help pitch in a little for gas depending on how many people end up per car 8-10 bucks should suffice.

I dont know how late we will be out there so it might be smart to pack a snack and a bottle of water.

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