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Vegan Pizza in Montclair!

From: Dianne
Sent on: Monday, January 30, 2012, 4:02 PM

Hi everyone!


For those you who missed it, we had a wonderful lunch at True North Osteria in Montclair on Saturday. The restaurant brought in Daiya cheese just for us! They still have some left, so if you weren't able to make it, you can still experience their vegan pizza. If there's enough of a demand for it, they will add it to their menu as a premium pizza topping.


The owners said that we were the largest group they've ever served in the restaurant, and they were really happy to have us there. We helped make Saturday their busiest day ever! I hope to plan another lunch there soon.


You can check out their menu here: The most popular non-pizza items on Saturday were the cauliflower and chickpea bruschetta, the brussels sprouts and the chocolate dessert bruschetta! 


Hope to see you soon!


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