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New Meetup: Sunday, Sept. 6th Outdoor V-ball Meetup and Potluck

From: Mark N.
Sent on: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 10:20 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Great Pasadena Volleyball Club!

What: Sunday, Sept. 6th Outdoor V-ball Meetup and Potluck

When: September 6,[masked]:00 PM

Victory Park
2575 Paloma Street
Pasadena, CA 91107

Let's schedule another potluck for the Labor Day w/e as folks have been
asking me when the next one will take place. Since the BBQs
may be taken-up at Victory Park on this day, let's bring items that do
not require any cooking this time such as pizza, fried chicken, sub sandwiches, etc.

Please indicate on your RSVPs what you would like to bring.

I will bring my ice chest with plenty of ice and drinks, plus paper plates,
forks, spoons, knives, cups, and napkins, all of which I have leftover
from the last potluck in June.


1. Receive serve
2. Pass to setter
3. Spike!
4. And last but not least, HAVE FUN!

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