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Co-ed V-ball Tournament at Seventh Day Adventist Church Tomorrow Nignt (Sat, Oct. 17th)

From: Mark N.
Sent on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 10:55 PM

Hello Fellow Spikers,

It looks like we have enough folks to form one team plus some rotators for tomorrow
night's co-ed tournament at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Pasadena at
1506 N. Lake Ave. (at Howard and north of Washtington Blvd).

I have the following folks signed up:

Benjie, Charina, Marisa, Michelle, Zak, and myself as definites

Mike and 2 guests as maybes

The tournament begins at 7:00 PM and will end around 11:00 PM. Rafael, the organizer
has asked that each team make a donation of $25 - so that's a few dollars per person.
There will be trophies for 1st and 2nd place.

I will most likely get there by around 7:30 PM as I will be attending a family dinner around
6:00 PM but be very close-by in another part of Pasadena.

I you need to get in touch with me, please contact me at (714)[masked] or at
[address removed]. Also, Rafael's number is (714)[masked].

A few of us will meet at Victory Park to warm-up and play during the afternoon, get a bite to
eat afterwards, and then head to the tourney that evening.

See ya this w/e,

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