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Outdoor V-ball Cancelled for This Afternoon (Sunday. Jan. 17th) and Outdoor V-ball This Week

From: Mark N.
Sent on: Sunday, January 17, 2010, 3:46 PM

Hello Fellow Spikers,

Outdoor V-ball is cancelled for this afternoon due to the start of this week's rainstorms.
I was parked out on the Altadena Drive side of the park from 2:20 PM to 3:00 PM this afternoon
just to see if anyone would show. I did get calls from some of the folks and let them know
not to come out to Victory Park.

There's a good chance that outdoor V-ball for this Tuesday and Thursday evenings will be cancelled
also due to the wet weather. The next possible day for outdoor V-ball will be this Saturday afternoon,
Jan. 23rd, assuming that the ground at the park dries off from the rain that will be falling all this week.

Have a good week and stay dry,

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