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This week - special guest CHiKA shines a light on projection-mapping!

From: Ellen P.
Sent on: Friday, December 5, 2014, 9:59 AM

This week - special guest CHiKA shines a light on projection-mapping!

Hack lab continues as normal, but our guest will demo working with Modul8Madmapper and more.

CHiKA creates what she describes as the symphony of light, minimalist geometric visual narratives that explore the relationship between images, light, sound and a public audience. Her work invites the public to reinvent themselves through relationship between moving images, light, illusion and sound.

She has been a resident fellow at the NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program, an IAC/InterActiveCorp Teaching and Research Fellow for Vimeo and an Eyebeam resident artist. As an educator, she is a founder of a projection mapping marathon workshop, Mappathon teaches students projection mapping technique, concept to installation in 3 days.



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