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New Meetup: Lafayette Reservoir Rim Trail Hike

From: Mike
Sent on: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 9:15 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for East Bay Walkers!

What: Lafayette Reservoir Rim Trail Hike

When: Sunday, August 8,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Lafayette Reservoir
3849 Mt Diablo Blvd
Lafayette, CA 94549

This is not the traditional reservoir walk. This is a hike up to the rim trail. We're going to leave promptly at 8:30 as it may start to get hot by the time we get toward the end. There are some beautiful views from some of the high spots on the hike.

LOCATION: Lafayette Reservoir, 3849 Mt Diablo, Lafayette, CA 94549.

MEETING SPOT: Next to the parking lot attendant.

DISTANCE: 4.3 miles. The hike takes about 2 1/2 hours.

WALKING CONDITIONS: There are several very challenging hills on this hike. Be prepared to spend most of the walk either going up or down hills. If you have walking polls, it might be a good idea to bring them. Please wear footwear that has good traction (hiking boots aren't a bad idea). Please bring water with you.

RESTROOMS: At the parking lot only.

PARKING: $6 to park in the lot. If you try to use the parking meters, they'll run out of money before you get back.

CONTACT: Mike Barker, Cell[masked]

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