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DC Stop Modern Slavery Newsletter August 20, 2012

From: Rachel
Sent on: Monday, August 20, 2012, 9:20 PM

If you’d like to see your anti-human trafficking news or event promoted in the newsletter, send all information to [address removed] no later than Saturday afternoon.


IMPORTANT – Have you signed up yet for next month’s Stop Modern Slavery Walk on the National Mall?

Yes. Awesome! Your involvement in DC SMS’ biggest annual fundraiser is enormously appreciated!

No?! What’s stopping you? Every dollar raised through the walk will goto critical anti-human trafficking efforts organized by DC SMS and its 2012 walk partners.

You can register to take part in the walk, happening Sept. 29, by visiting:

NEW – Want to network with your fellow modern-day abolitionistsahead of the SMS Walk?

Come to a special FREEDOM-themed art show featuring original works by DC area students at SOVA DC on H Street, NE

When: Friday, September 7; 7:00p.m. – 9:00p.m.

Where: Sova DC; 1359 H St. NE

Questions: e-mail Katie Cincotta at [address removed]

NEW – Want to enjoy an evening of music, fine wine, and art while also raising funds for human trafficking survivors.

Sign up to attend Soroptimist International of Woodbridge’s Third Annual Gala Art Auction. Proceeds from the event go to scholarships and to benefit survivors of domestic violence, child abuse, and human trafficking.

Music will be provided by the Beau Soir Ensemble and wine tasting byRiger’s Ford Winery. There will also be a Hors d’oeuvres buffet, a silent auction and a raffle.

When: Saturday, Sept. 29; 6:00p.m. – 9:00p.m.

Where: Westminster of Lake Ridge; 12191 Clipper Drive, Woodbridge, Va.

Tickets: $15 or 2 for $25

To order, call (703)[masked] or (703)[masked]


NEW – Does the annual practice of the Uzbekistan government of shutting down schools around the country and requiring more than1,000,000 children to go out into the fields to pick cotton infuriate you? Would you refuse to purchase clothes made with cotton harvested by coerced Uzbek children?

Let Zara, one of the world’s leading clothing retailers, know that you want them will to join the 60 other major clothing retailers, which include Wal-Mart and Gucci, in boycotting Uzbek cotton until the government stops using coerced labor. You can sign the petition by going to:


REMINDER - Interested in reading news articles gathered from around the country and the globe that cover human trafficking crimes and efforts to eliminate modern-day slavery?

Sign up to receive The Abolitionist’s Digest -- produced by DC SMS members and emailed each Wednesday morning. Sign up to receive the weekly digest here,

If you wish to no longer receive mail from DC Stop Modern Slavery, you'll need to leave the group on To do this, go to the DC Stop Modern Slavery page, click the members tab, select "my profile," and click the "leave this Meetup Group" link. We'll miss you!