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From: Brian M.
Sent on: Monday, March 5, 2012, 1:42 PM
For those interested in Linux.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [BALU] HSV LUG
Date: Fri, 27 Jan[masked]:20:30 -0600 (CST)
From: John <[address removed]>
Reply-To: BALU Linux/Free Software Discussion <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]

Hi all,

I'm John and I've decided it's high time Huntsville had a LUG so I've
scheduled a slot at our local Huntsville Public Library February 5th from
2-5pm as the first meeting.  For those of you that might be following the
BHAM mailing list that live around the Huntsville area, I invite you to
come discuss all things Linux and spread the word for others that may be
interested.  I'll be passing out flyers around town and discussing the
meeting with all of my geek friends.  I purchased a server and Traveller
(local outfit) has generously agreed to provide a free network connection
for it.  The domain is  The only thing you'll see currently is
meeting information and directions.  The thought was to have those
interested in regular LUG meetups to assist with the layout/design of
the site as this will be theirs to assist with and administer.  Yet
another educational opportunity, in other words.

Eventually, the email address will change to [address removed], but keep
this address as an alternate.

Thanks and hope to see some folks there!

Members mailing list
[address removed]