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Re: [webdesign-523] Web Design & Development Meetup

From: Brian
Sent on: Sunday, August 9, 2015, 1:00 PM
John, thank you for stepping up as organizer.  I know that you will do a great job and you have my support..

Dilsah, the suggestion of multiple locations is an excellent idea.  We will miss you!


On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 12:55 PM, Dilsah <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Members,

First, I want to thank everyone that offered to step up as organizers.

So here is the plan so far. John Boere is going to be the new organizer. He has been a regular supporter of this meetup, a regular attendee at the meetings and has spoken at our events as well. Plus, he offered to step up as well.

Here is my recommendation on locations.

We have the two meetings a month as usual (discussion and lab). I recommend one gets held up in North Scottsdale (Axosoft if they are willing) and the other down in Tempe (at Local Motors).  This way the group can expand geographically and we can meet the needs of as many web designers and developers as we can in the valley.


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