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Looking for Baby Boomers Retiring between Feb 1st - April 1st

From: Sue
Sent on: Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 1:00 PM

I got this email yesterday and I sure wish I were retiring during this time.  If you qualify, take a look at the letter below and respond to her if you are interested.  

Dear Sue, 

My company, The Cast Station (, is casting a SAG National Network commercial for Prudential insurance. We are looking for men and women between the ages of 50-75 who are retiring between the months of Feb 1st - April 1st. This is a SAG Union job and Retirees will be paid residuals on commercial usage. "Mailbox Money" 

To see our previous campaign please This new campaign is a continuation of the Day One Films. 

If you don't mind, I would love to for you forward along this email to your members. We need for people to simply email us their name and date of retirement [address removed]. We will follow up with a form for them to fill out and a request for photos. 

Please feel free to email me back with any additional questions or give me a call:[masked]. 
Thank you 
Katie Richter 
Casting Associate 
The Cast Station

MORE INFORMATION:  For this particular commercial, we are only looking for men and women who retired/are retiring between February - April 2012.  This is because we are going to film them as close to their first day of retirement as possible.  If you can take a moment to visit and you will be able to see the previous campaign we worked on back in the summer.    The production will come to the Retiree and film them for one day in their own hometown. The commercial be under the Screen Actors Guild contract so they will be paid for the initial day.  The day rate is around $592 for the day and then they will receive residual payments when the commercial airs on television.  When we say "Mailbox Money", we mean money they shows up in your mailbox that you aren't really expecting.  Residuals tend to come until the commercial stops airing.  

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