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Notable Wine Tasting Events, Tonight & Tomorrow

From: Del J.
Sent on: Thursday, February 16, 2012, 2:18 PM

Triangle Wine Company
An Evening with Catena Zapata
Presented by WIlliam Davis of Winebow  
Thursday, February 16th, from 7:00pm-9:00pm.

Come taste the highly regarded wines of Nicolas Catena, recently awarded  Decanter Magazine's "Man of the year."
"He has been instrumental in changing the Argentinian wine scene more than anyone else" - Baron Eric de Rothschild

The wines to be featured include:
Alma Negra Blanc de Blancs Sparkling Chardonnay $20
2010 Catena Chardonnay $18 - 90 points Robert Parker
2009 Catena Cabernet Sauvignon $18 - 90 points both Robert Parker & Wine Spectator
2008 Catena Alta Malbec $45 - 92 points Robert Parker, 90 points Wine Spectator
2007 Nicolas Catena Zapata Cabernet Malbec Blend $120 - 98 points Robert Parker, 94 points Wine Spectator, 93 points International Wine Cellar - One of the great wines of South America

Light appetizers to be served courtesy of Georgina's Restaurant of Morrisville.
$25.00 entrance fee contributes to the purchase of 2 bottles or more.
10% discount on individual wines tasted at event.
20% discount on mixed cases of 12 or more bottles.
RSVP[masked] - Limited to first 25 people.


Sip...a wine store
April's 40th Birthday Bash & Sale
Friday, February 17th, 5pm to 8pm

It's my 40th birthday and I want to celebrate with you. We will be sampling 4 wines that I have personally selected and they will be on sale at 40% there regular price. Shawn Odenhal will be playing music and you will have a great time. Bring a friend and be ready to enjoy some birthday cake and great juice.

A $50 California Pinot Noir
A $27 Oregon Chardonnay
A red blend and a white blend.
Each of them is 40% off.

Also, Sip has a wine class deal running with Amazon Local this weekend.
Half Price Wine Class Deal, A $30 wine class for only $15.

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