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Happy Valentine's Day to all our Wonderful Girlfriends! with heart nature images;)

From: Sylvia
Sent on: Friday, February 14, 2014, 11:31 AM
Dear Girlfriends,

We want to wish all of you a Happy Valentine's Day filled with fun, affection and warmth.
(especially warmth after all the snow & ice we've had - lol)

Valentine's Day is all about celebrating love, affection, and friendship with all the loved ones in your life.  May those relationships flourish and deepen and with each season, and this coming year bring you some new ones.

I also want to take this day to thank all of the special girlfriends who add so much to our group and help us to have good times filled with fun and laughter. Your thoughtfulness, kindess, cheery attitude and time invested to help us grow is much appreciated. 

Warmest Regards,
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Sylvia - Organizer Great Girlfriends - email - [address removed]

"We need another wiser and more mystical concept of animals.  They are not underlings, they are another nation caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow travelers of the splendor and travail of the earth."
--Henry Besto

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