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New Meetup: GWH December Meeting - Human Rights Day & Humanlight Party

From: Greater Worcester H.
Sent on: Monday, November 22, 2010, 9:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Greater Worcester Humanists!

What: GWH December Meeting - Human Rights Day & Humanlight Party

When: Tuesday, December 14,[masked]:00 PM

Where: UU Church of Worcester
90 Holden St
Worcester, MA 01606

GWH is hosting a dual celebration for HumanLight and Human Rights Day which both occur this month.

It's on December 14, starting at 6 p.m. (earlier than usual, because it's a pot luck dinner), at our usual spot, the UU Church of Worcester, 90 Holden Street, Worcester. We'll have our traditional "Yankee Swap" at this meeting as well. More details below.


- Bring a main dish, a dessert, a salad, an appetizer, or drinks.

-An oven is available for reheating dishes, but please be aware that space is limited and you should arrive by 5:30 to use the ovens.

- Please refrain from bringing perishable items or food that will have to sit in your car or out of refrigeration all day.

- If you are planning on making a vegetarian option, please tell Chris when you arrive so he can keep those dishes separate.

- Finally, while we appreciate the help, only certain members will be working in the kitchen to set up, the church has food handling guidelines which we must adhere to.

- You are all more than welcome to help in the cleanup efforts.


We will also be having our annual Yankee swap. Each person that wishes to participate in the swap should bring a small Humanism or Atheist related gift with a suggested maximum price $20. Joke gifts are perfectly acceptable, but please try to keep with the theme. If you really feel creative, you can add a message or a card describing your gift and what it means or why you chose it. Last year's event was a fun time, with good food and good company, not to mention some pretty interesting and humorous gifts. To be fair only people who bring a swap gift can participate...

Everyone is welcome! Please consider becoming a member of Greater Worcester Humanists. Membership allows us to do all of the great programs, lectures, meetups, etc. and it's only $30 a year. If you're not interested in membership just yet, please consider donating at the door. The doors open at 5:30 if you would like to help set up tables and chairs.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Human Light (sometimes Humanlight) is the Humanist counterpart to Christmas and other winter holidays. It is celebrated on December 23. Like Kwanzaa, HumanLight is a modern invention, created to provide a specifically Humanist counterpart to popular seasonal celebrations. It was established by the New Jersey Humanist Network in 2001.

Humanists have cast HumanLight as a celebration of "a Humanist's vision of a good future." They celebrate a positive approach to the coming new year, generally through the lens of Humanist (and particularly secular humanist) philosophy--secular as opposed to religious, and with an emphasis on reason and rationality. The December 23 date allows HumanLight to connect itself to the December holiday season without imposing itself over them, since many Humanists also celebrate other winter holidays.

HumanLight began with a single event in Verona, New Jersey, 2001. Since then, HumanLight has experienced much growth; in 2004, there were two dozen American events listed on the holiday's homepage, mostly on the East Coast and in the Midwest.

Organized HumanLight celebrations since its founding in 2001 have included guest speakers, candle-lighting ceremonies, musical and dramatic performances, dinners, dancing, and video presentations. As Humanists value creativity and an open mind, celebrations can vary from event to event or year to year.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human Rights Day is celebrated annually across the world on 10 December. It is endorsed by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) as an official day of Humanist celebration.

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