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August Goals - Raising the Stakes

From: Michael K.
Sent on: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 2:17 PM
Okay so August is AWG Goal Meeting Month.

Have you posted a goal? Are you working on your goal(s)?

All AWG members (in good standing) are now eligible to WIN a beautiful Bodrun French Coffee Press.

How do you win?

1) Post at least one realistic, not super easy, goal for the month

2) Meet the goal. (And be ready to prove it)

3) Be lucky enough to have your name drawn out of the hat at our first meeting in September.

You need not be present to win, but if you're not, you may lose your prize as a result of mob justice.

The prize has been generously donated by our sponsor, Peet's Coffee. Mmm, Peet's Coffee. That's coffee.

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