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End of year party

From: lauren s.
Sent on: Monday, December 8, 2014, 7:33 AM

Reminder Our End of year party is tomorrow- this is a fun, relaxed annual event and I am really looking forward to it.

There will be a welcome drink of mulled wine, and then two drinks per person plus snacks.

We are doing a book swap too everyone can bring  1-3 books for swapping (not more please) and bring one take one! There will be some fun door prizes and one holiday grand prize of a free spot to the January one day mini retreat (value 15,000)

We are partying at Parabola wine bar in Nishi Azabu between roppongi and hiroo stations. lovely spot!

Please rsvp if you have not yet, and please update your rsvp if anything has changed.

See you tomorrow night!

